In 2016 Juteborg Sweden AB founded JuteLab International (Ekonomisk Förening), an initiativ which acts to promote innovation and cross boarder collaboration based on the natural fiber of jute, at the international level. JuteLab International is a ‘not for profit’ international innovation platform with highly set values concerning the development of the sustainable and resilient society in terms of economic, ecologic and social progress. It works with Triple Helix concept by bringing together industrial partners, academicians and government to drive innovative solutions based on Jute – the most sustainable material in the world.
JuteLab International aims to work collaboratively both in Sweden and Bangladesh towards solutions for the jute industry and to bring in the next generation of possible business opportunities with services and high tech Jute products. It will also be open for other nationalities who share a similar vision, basic values of sustainability and ethical practice for business.
JuteLab International envisions to be the world’s leading in facilitating jute based innovative solutions for a sustainable world.