Juteborg is proud to present JuteSnapSplitPipe™– a smartly designed, most sustainable and cost-effective cable protection pipe made of JutePP®, for construction and infrastructure industry.
JuteSnapSplitPipe™ – one more of Juteborg’s innovative Jute high tech products is on the way with EU – Bangladesh collaboration with the support of INNOWWIDE who supports viability assessment of collaborative and innovative business solutions in worldwide markets.
It is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to bring innovative European SMEs to the forefront of the international markets. Juteborg was ranked as no 36 out of almost 600 applications.

The viability assessment project (VAP) is supported by the 2nd call from INNOWWIDE.
The second INNOWWIDE VAP Call was closed on April 7th with a total of 597 proposals from 36 EU and associated countries. The submitted VAPs targeted a total of 61 different target markets. We are proud to be one of the 70 uppermost ranked chosen proposals after strict eligibility check and independent evaluation.
The proposal clearly outlines an envisaged future RTDI project. Opportunity to create a novel industrial product from Jute fibre and recycled PP, Huge target market, sufficient supply of material, support from government, opportunities for spill over into other Latin American. The Added Value of the proposal is very convincing. Objectives, expected outputs and impacts, are fully in line and well addressed by the activities of the proposal.
Comments from the INNOWWIDE evaluation

With this proposal, Juteborg will validate the viability of making the most sustainable cost-effective and smartly designed cable pipe solution called JuteSnapSplitPipe™ for Bangladesh by using JutePP® the most sustainable alternative to plastic raw material. The plastic pipe market in Bangladesh is estimated as €670 million with 20% annual growth.
Razzaque Jute Industries Ltd (RJIL) is the strategic counterpart to support Juteborg in conducting the technical, market, legal and socio-economic assessments of the VAP. RJIL is an expert in Jute fibre processing industry, the major raw material for the cable pipe. They bring in the expertise about the local industry knowledge having the required co-creation capabilities.
JutePP® (Jute fibre reinforced plastic granule) is developed by Juteborg with up to 50% of Jute fibres and rest virgin and/or recycled polypropylene.

The environmentally friendly original Snap Split Pipes™ are innovatively designed by Greenpipe of Sweden AB to promote the fast & cost-effective installation due to the zero need for tools.
The plastic pipe market in Bangladesh will grow further as the country plans to put the overhead cables underground in all the cities. Plastic contributes 1% of the Bangladesh GDP where 100% of the virgin plastic is imported. Inclusion of Jute (GDP contribution 2%) as the sustainable alternative to plastic material with recycled quality polypropylene, like crashed car bumpers etc, Bangladesh can be more self-sufficient in the plastic market, creating large benefit for its economy.

It will also complement Juteborg’s ongoing farmer to factory jute supply chain™ (F2F™) a value chain transformation project. A potential to increase the income of more than 5k Jute farmers in Bangladesh by 4 times who are now living on $1.6 per day during the jute season. RJIL is the local lead for the F2F™ in Bangladesh.
Juteborg is about to start the pilot production of JutePP® via the Joint Venture Company – Juteborg Razzaque Bangladesh Ltd. This pilot production is co-supported by Nordic Climate Facility of Nordic Development Fund. The same support also helped Juteborg and the partners to validate the concept to the F2F™ model.
Juteborg is actively planning to implement the pilot of the validated F2F™ model. Therefore, we are reaching out to probable national and international stakeholders for forming a strategic collaboration. Recently, Juteborg took part in a live TV talk show in Bangladesh together with the 2 prominent ministers of the country which gained more than 150 K views on Facebook. Some more serious discussions are going on with other internal development organizations together with Inclusive Business Sweden.
The successful completion of the JuteSnapSplitPipe™ viability assessment project will lead to establishing an international cooperation including further RTDI project.
Eventually, the VAP will also help to determine the future investment decision. Juteborg has established itself as the Jute innovation brand in Bangladesh due to continued jute-based innovations and several times appeared on the media with different Jute innovative high-tech products.