Juteborg’s F2F™ transforming the Jute value chain

Juteborg AB is continuously driving sustainability by JuteTech – Jute high tech innovation, development and commercialisation while transforming the entire Jute value chain. A day long workshop and training on Farmer to Factory Jute Supply Chain ™(F2F™) has been taken place in the factory premises of Razzaque Jute Industries LTD in Bangladesh on the 23rd Read more about Juteborg’s F2F™ transforming the Jute value chain[…]

JutePP & F2F co-supported by Nordic Climate Facility

Jute, the golden fiber Bangladesh – is the most sustainable material in the world. Bangladesh is sitting on the potential gold mine in the jute economy. Swedish company Juteborg is unleashing the jute potential in different sectors like automotive and transportation, textile and fashion, construction and interior and packaging. Juteborg continuously innovates jute based high Read more about JutePP & F2F co-supported by Nordic Climate Facility[…]

eCon – ‘Nordic Center of Jute’ launched

eCon – Demonstration Lab units showing jute research/materials as a window of sustainability in Sweden/Europe: Archidea AB has got financial support from the Swedish authority of Housing to build up our concept eCon – small innovative affordable housing (apartments) for young people. eCon is going to be the Nordic center of Jute in Europe as Read more about eCon – ‘Nordic Center of Jute’ launched[…]

JuteEffect – know how does it work?

JuteEffect supports companies & businesses to build and strengthen their brands around sustainable practice by creating the JuteEffect! JuteEffect transforms the sustainable practice of the companies and business by creating the effect of Jute – the most sustainable material in the world from the social, ecological and economic point of view. JuteEffect brings in the Read more about JuteEffect – know how does it work?[…]